On the ferry to morocco in the morning. Pleasant crossing in very comfortable seats. Tangiers was the jumping off place. We stopped in a small town on the coast, all blue and white. Wish I could figure out how to post photos. Lunch was chicken tagine.
Then on the bus for hours. The countryside was not at all what I expected, in the north green and deciduous, farther south it looks like eastern Washington. Farm land every where. Up north they have thousands of big yellow melons that look like over grown footballs and taste like honeydew for sale at roadside markets. They also had turban pumpkins and watermelons. Farther south there were cork trees, olive trees, grapevines, and lots of empty fields. They use donkeys and horses on the farms. We also saw dromedaries, but they were just lying around.
Our guide is Muslim and tries to explain his religion and culture. First born sons are always called Mohammed, so we are changing lucas's name. The Muslim angels are afraid of dogs, so Gus has to go.
Got to use my first pit toilet at a highway rest stop. It does take some skill. TMI.
Out hotel in fez is amazing. It is the real deal, like something out of Arabian nights. They served us hot tea with mint when we arrived.
Dinner at the hotel
Salad: spiced carrots, zucchini, green chiles, olives, broad beans, squash, cucumber and tomatoes, eggplant, beets all served in individual bowls with a piece of bread that looked like a bagel.
Second course. Little filled pastries.
Third course, chicken with lemon and olives
Dessert, assorted cookies
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