Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Zihuatanejo 2015

This promises to be a year of travel, so it's time to start blogging again.  Here we are in Zihuatanejo at Club Intrawest with our friends Georgia and Perry.  Yesterday was not my best travel day.  We missed the shuttle bus from the hotel to the airport, which actually turned out OK since the taxi left us off a lot closer so Dean didn't have to walk so far.  I had lost the boarding pass I had printed at home, so had to do a new one at the airport, Somehow I didn't put my new Trusted Traveler # on it, so I didn't get the pre-check.  Then I left my Visa card on the plane which luckily Alaska Air found and is holding it for me at the airport here,  Will pick it up tomorrow,
Then, the day got considerably better.  The weather here is great.  The drinks cold and last night the hotel released 28 baby sea turtles from eggs that they had gathered and protected.  It was the last of the season.  How amazing!  10 years ago, they had collected 890 eggs.  This year it was 17000.  Learned that sea turtles can't retract their heads and feet unlike land turtles.
Today kayaked to Isla de Gatos which was fairly easy and fun.  Met a nice woman from Dallas who works in urban planning.  Spent the rest of the day at the pool: eating, drinking, reading and soaking up the sun.
Book #1 The Hearts of Horses - excellent.  Set in eastern Oregon during WWI and really puts you in the time and place
Book #2 A Girl Named Zippy - another one of those memoirs of a person who grew up in a weird dysfunctional family,
Still working on the Bully Pulpit but Goodwin is way too wordy,
Tonight, pizza delivery from Jungle Pizza, a wood fired place near here.  More later.

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