Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Rhein Cruise Tag Sieben

I was able to post some photos in the previous blogs, but I turned off my phone ($10/day so I’m not using it everyday).  Will have to post the rest of the photos later.
Anyway, today was very busy.  The morning was in Rudesheim, a charming little town on the Rhein with the most amazing museum of mechanical musical instruments.  The first was a large wooden contraption that could play like an orchestra.  Then we saw one of the early gramophones.  Then a player piano which also had player violins!  Then a hurdy gurdy and a little music box.  All incredible. We also go to taste their Ansfach coffee - 3 cubes of sugar, a generous shot of Ansfach (brandy), coffee, whipped cream and chocolate shavings.  Starbucks look out!!! Not a bad mid morning pick me up.
Back on the boat and through the Rhein Gorge where we saw a bunch of castles and picturesque towns, churches and ancient walls.  It was cool and a little spitty, but lunch helped warm us up.
Then to Koblenz, a small town with a big reputation for Riesling wine.  There is a massive statue of Kaiser Wilhelm  the First, several really ugly churches - one was turned into a butchering place in the 1700s.  There was a building with a rather weird head with movable eyes and tongue sticking out.  This supposedly was of a knight who was caught stealing and was beheaded in the square.  One of the churches had a “leper hole” where people with skin conditions could receive communion passed out of the church on a stick so they wouldn’t be able to contaminate the good parishioners inside.  We also saw a statue of Mueller - famous for identifying the Muellerian duct system that all good urologists have memorized for our exams.
Tomorrow Cologne.
Player Piano and player violins Rudesheim

Player piano Rudesheim

Ansfach Coffee Rudesheim

Gramophone Rudesheim

Video of one of the mechanical instruments Rudesheim

This one plays a.full orchestra

Castle at Bacharach on the Rhine

Vineyards along the Rhein

Vineyards along the Rhein

Castle on the Rhein

Castle on the Rhein

Castle on the Rhein

Castle on the Rhein
Cathedral Koblenz

Statue of Kaiser Wilhelm Koblenz

The Lepers’ Window Koblenz Cathedral

Statue of a spitting boy Koblenz
Dr. Mueller

1 comment:

  1. We loved Rudesheim. Cute little town.
    You will have fun in Cologne. I thought the huge mechanical clock was very interesting. I think the museum of modern art in is Cologne. Check out the Andy Warhol pieces.
