Saturday, August 24, 2024

Viking Cruise to the British Isles  Day 9

Made it to Holyhead, Wales today which is at the northern most tip of Wales.  Finally had some decent weather with sun, although a bit of wind. Temp around 60.  This part of Wales is beautiful - rolling green hills, mostly pastureland for cows and sheep.  The language is inscrutable, but fortunately everyone speaks English and the signs are in Welch and English.  We took a motorcoach trip around Anglesey so got a pretty good look at the place.  There are several towns on the coast where people have retired.  Lots of ancient rock walls, old castles, and the occasional standing stone.  We stopped at a general store and I tried some of their famous cakes (like scones with raisins).  They were dry as dust.  

Last night we made it to the fish and chips dinner.  It was good but our local golf club does them better.  They had to have been pretty tasty as Dean ate 4 pieces - the man who hates fish!  

Tomorrow - Dublin.  That should be interesting.  

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